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Prelude in C Major
J.S. Bach | BWV 846

Always a sheer pleasure to play any Bach piece.
This is the first Prelude in C major from his 'Well Tempered Clavier' book. It was written to prove that the new Equal Temperament tuning system could work for all of the available 12 keys.

Dmitri Kabalevsky “Waltz”
24 Pieces for Children
Op. 39 No.13

- As part of the ABRSM Grade 2 piano exam syllabus (2019-2020), this piece has proved a favourite among my students.

- I like to add a bit more pedal on the chords and play it slower, not as Kabalevsky would have intended! However, I feel it gives it a sweeter sound.

- Also, note in the final bars, there is an error in the sheet music. ABRSM's version is an E+G with the left hand at bar 30! So musically I am playing the correct version. The sheet music was public domain, and should not be an E+G# at bar 30.

Silent Night | Traditional

- Using the excellent Synthesia program. This is my own original arrangement of it, using inversions to highlight how effective they can be.